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RV pick up is today!!

Updated: Sep 13, 2022

Yesterday was not a fun day! But today will be! I'm very excited to be doing orientation today for the RV!! I'm still trying to wake up and check on enrollment status for Daisy's school!

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That food looks good AF 😁🤤

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It was good... I went back a few more times and quit going after I found a flavor packet corner cutting in my ravioli. . It was not worth the price after that unfortunately


That photo after the photo your hugging your fan, wow you look so BEAUTIFUL Heather.

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Thank you 🥰 I became even more increasingly uncomfortable with trying to reach out to be friends with people after this series of the fan encounter. He worked there, so I came back a few times and said hello. I was unresponsive to a party invite that I didn't see on my phone.. I sent something, and the dude never messaged me back or called, so i deleted his number. Idk. Maybe his husband got weird about me.


You looked so happy and BEAUTIFUL as always.


Tha thing is Dope AF, I love those seats, they look comfy af

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It was pretty awesome but ended up not being right for us. I traded it in for something that would fit us all... Mahogany couldn't stay in the other one comfortably and Ahz wouldn't have fit. But now we know that didn't really matter.


Sep 18, 2022

I'm catching up again

I bet he couldn't believe it. You made his day 😂


Heather Clark
Heather Clark
Sep 19, 2022
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Yeah! lol he was so stoked he called me later and said his friends don’t believe it, can I send a photo! So cute! 🤣

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